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The latest company news and press releases about Knox - the company, our partners, and the latest innovations in rapid access and solutions for securing your most critical assets.


New 2012 IFC requirement for Key Boxes
New 2012 IFC requires Key Boxes meet UL 1037 Attack Standard
Click here for more information
New 2012 NFPA requirement for Key Boxes
September 4, 2014
New 2012 Requirement for Key Boxes
Click here for more information
Problem Opening a Knox-Box?
September 11, 2014
Have you ever arrived on scene and find it difficult to open the Knox-Box? Overtime grit can build up in a lock core, particularly if the lock core isn’t used often. This built up grit can make it difficult to open the box. Knox utilizes high quality, precision locks that require a minimal amount of maintenance to insure continuous reliability. However, annual inspection and maintenance of the lock is recommended. Also, this is a convenient time to check the condition of the box and door gasket as well as verify that the key contained in the box is still current. A few minutes of your time now can help to ensure the Knox products in your jurisdiction work as designed when needed most.
Click here for more information
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Media Contact: Neal Zipser
Merketing and Communications Manager


Since 1975, the Knox Company has successfully developed innovative rapid access solutions for first responders and fire and life safety executives with products that provide fast, safe, and secure entry into commercial, industrial, educational and residential properties, while minimizing damage and maximizing safety. Today, more than 15,000 fire, EMS, and law enforcement agencies, as well as schools, universities and corporations, depend on Knox products to gain access into over 1 million buildings/properties and to protect their most critical assets